WBCSD内部人士视角:商业 & 气候峰会

本周是第二周 业务 & 气候峰会(BCS) brought together a wide range of sectors and WBCSD members at Guildhall in London on 28-29 June.

发表: 2016年6月30日
作者: 通信
类型: 洞察力

The Summit maintained the momentum of COP21 and emphasized that it is time to turn words into action as we make the inevitable transformation to the low carbon economy.


All participants agreed that COP21 was a momentous achievement and was, 在很大程度上, part due to the mobilization of the private sector’s support of bold and ambitious climate action.

每个人脑子里的主要问题是: 我们如何将我们如此努力推动的协议付诸实践?

首脑会议发表了一份重要报告 气候变化的商业终结, which shows that by 2030, five initiatives will enable business to cut its GHG emissions by 3.7 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year – and that if all businesses signed up to those initiatives, 这个数字可能会提高到每年100亿吨.

And although the mood in London was dominated by the uncertainty created by the “Brexit” vote, 关键人物 例如克里斯蒂安娜·菲格雷斯(执行秘书), UNFCCC) and Amber Rudd (Secretary of State for 能源 and 气候 Change, 英国政府)正面处理了这个问题, reassuring the audience that the exit vote would not affect the UK’s leadership on climate change.

Christiana Figueres highlighted the business sector’s responsibility to deliver on promises made in the lead-up to COP21. Her point was that ongoing discussions now need to take place at the local level – with national Ministers of 运输, 能源, 水 and so on – rather than just with the Ministers of 气候 Change at annual COP meetings. 实现了巴黎的雄心壮志, these local discussions will help business turn that ambition into implementation.

Christiana closed her speech with an emphasis on the need to keep up the momentum of Paris in a statement that echoed through Guildhall for the remainder of the Summit: “保持冷静,继续前进.”

Jean-Dominique Senard (Chief Executive Officer and Managing General Partner, Michelin) said “we can talk and talk and talk again…but we now need action,” offering three simple messages to the audience and climate community:

  1. 推动切实行动, there is a need for sectoral roadmaps to transition our economy along agreed and shared pathways
  2. 碳定价需要从空谈转向行动 in order to maintain credibility, and international decision for a level playing field is central
  3. 我们必须让公民参与进来 for the simple reason that the necessary transformation will impact and change people’s way of life.

A key highlight on the first morning was a unique example of cross-sectoral collaboration between Steve Williams (President and Chief Executive Officer, Suncor 能源) and Greenpeace environmental activist Tzeporah Berman (Co-Chair, 联合解决问题论坛, 兼职教授, 约克大学). 他们探索了困难的, two-year discourse that resulted in a clear agreement around Canada’s oil and tar sands practices.

两人一致认为,谈判具有挑战性, 声称“领导是不舒服的。, 如果你不觉得不舒服, 那你做得还不够.” Their joint commitment to solving the issue and finding a solution that benefited all stakeholders was a key highlight of the Summit.

Several break-out sessions on various themes made excellent contributions to global understanding of issues and solutions.

In particular, WBCSD President and CEO Peter Bakker led a panel discussion on 脱碳运输 与焦耳、米其林、日产、壳牌和Transloc合作. The panel emphasized that there are no silver bullets in transport and we need to use all available solutions in order to meet the challenge. The panel broke down complex issues into manageable problems that gave the audience clear takeaways in terms of solutions and a viable path towards decarbonization.

在BCS的最后一天, one panel stole the show: In discussing the topic of finance and how to “unlock the trillions,Saker Nusseibeh(首席执行官), Hermes投资管理公司, 朱利安·米奇斯特(联合主演, 全球能源 & 电力投资银行, Bank of America Merrill Lynch) and António Simões (Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Bank plc) stressed that we are at a tipping point in history.

Green investment is needed in the billions, which means that it must move from niche to mainstream. “而不是绿色债券, 我们需要所有债券都是绿色的。”Simões说, 说明了数十亿如何变成数万亿. This tipping point is evidenced by the real change in culture among the mainstream investment community to also value risk and long terms costs in their decisions.

The overarching message of the summit was that business must act faster and more decisively than ever as we move towards COP22 and the ultimate goal of limiting the rise in temperatures to under 2 degrees.

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